
Phonics Learn - Teach :
Ending Blend - Digraph Sounds

phonics starting blends - digraphs sounds learn teach kids

Welcome !

You can use the resources provided here to teach Phonics Ending Blend - Digraph sounds to children :

videos, audio, book, workbook, Flash cards, Put-it-Up cards, Group-It cards and Test are available for your child's convenient learning.

Phonics Ending Blends - Digraphs : Video Library

Write to us now
at phonicsindia@gmail.com to get your ACCESS CODE.

Video viewing is subject to youtube link being active.


Phonics Ending Blends - Digraphs : Lessons

Please keep the speaker on during the lessons. You need to ensure that you have the correct Version of Adobe Flash Player. The lessons on this page cannot be downloaded. You can only print them.

Phonics Ending Blends - Digraphs : Listen to the Word Sounds

Here is an interesting tool for children to listen to sound of words with a starting blend - digraph. This tool is easy to use and very children-friendly.

Click-to-Listen Tool

Phonics Ending Blends - Digraphs : Listen & Spell the Word

Here is an interesting tool for children to listen and spell words with an ending blend - digraph. This tool is easy to use and very children-friendly.


Phonics Ending Blends - Digraphs : Book

This book can be bought at amazon now.

BUY Now @ amazon

Phonics Ending Blends - Digraphs : Workbook

This workbook can be bought at amazon wef August, 2017.

Phonics Ending Blends - Digraphs : "Flash Cards"

Buy your set of Flash cards (21 nos) at amazon now.

BUY Now @ amazon

Phonics Ending Blends - Digraphs : "Put-it-Up" Cards

These cards will be very effective to support a child learn Phonics ending blend - digraph sounds.

These can be put up as is or as hangers - at locations and at a height so that a child visually interacts with it knowingly and also unknowingly.

Click below to buy your set of Put-it-Up cards (20 nos) at amazon wef August, 2017.

BUY Now @ amazon

Phonics Ending Blends - Digraphs : "Group-It" Cards

Each card has a word. Child is required to group together words (on cards) with the same ending blend -digraph. This grouping has to be done till all cards are part of a group.

Click below to buy your set of Group-It cards (58 nos) at amazon wef August, 2017.

BUY Now @ amazon

Phonics Ending Blends - Digraphs : "Make-a-Word" Cards

There are two types of cards. One has ending blends - digraphs on it. And the other has a word-part which along with an ending blend - digraph make a word. Child is required to select two cards - one card with a word-part and the other card with an ending blend - digraph, that together make a word. Each ending blend - digraph card can be used multiple times to make a word.

Click below to buy your set of cards (38 nos) at amazon wef August, 2017.

BUY @ amazon

Phonics Ending Blends - Digraphs : "Say-It" Test

Here are two tests for children.

Should you need any clarification / have any queries or have video to suggest
or have a suggestion for improvement, please feel free to write to us.

phonics starting blends teach kids




teach high frequency words to phonics kids

Learn - Teach Phonics : Phonics Blending of Sounds

Greetings to all parents and teachers of young children !

ending blends, learn teach phonics ending blends of sounds to children, phonics ending blends vidoes,

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